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  • Writer's pictureAbi

songs of the season // autumn '19

This fall, we're kicking it back to the basics: songs to listen to while crunching leaves, munching on caramel apples and sipping the iconic pumpkin spice. Although these songs may not be the newest, they still pack a punch when it comes to giving us the cozy evening by the fire feeling.

Here are my top 5 songs for autumn activities. Listen to them and add some to your playlist, or even check out my personal autumn playlist!


1 // lego house

ed sheeran

Honestly, Ed Sheeran practically screams autumn. His combination of catchy choruses and acoustic sounds give the perfect vibe for all things red, orange, yellow, and muddy brown. Lego House is one of my personal favorite Ed songs, but feel free to check out more of his work!

2 // sunday morning maroon 5

Although a song from an odd era in music, I feel that Sunday Morning has really gone through the test of time. Listening to it, the song doesn't seem dated but sounds perfect for a nice stroll through the turning trees of autumn.

3 // home

edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros

What's so intriguing about indie music is having a song that's almost tucked away from the rest of the world. Although this song isn't completely hidden, it's still a perfect fit for fall, just like a ton of indie hits.

4 // don't look back in anger


A well-known hit in the UK, Don't Look Back in Anger has recently stolen my heart. A perfect rock moment for autumn walks, this song has me swaying to the beat and humming to the easy melody.

5 // superstition

stevie wonder

A blind inspiration to the music world, Stevie Wonder's skill shines in this song. The semi-mysterious and almost spooky lyrics allow Superstition to be a hit for the mid-October excitement for all things Halloween.


Fall is a time for friends, family, comfy clothes, and a playlist of chill favorites to balance it all out. What are your favorite songs for cozy autumn activities? Feel free to share in the comments.

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