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goal keeper // how to follow through on your 2020 resolutions

It's the same every year-- we reflect on the past, make note of the issues, watch the ball drop and attempt to change our ways only to revert back a few weeks later. Without a doubt, New Year's resolutions are easy to make and difficult to keep. However, big, important dreams come to fruition only due to small, seemingly insignificant goals. By breaking down your dream into bite sized pieces, you can make 2020 your best year yet. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get started.


1 // break it down

Your dream may look big now, but that's because it's a year's worth of work all in one piece. It's like a slice of pie-- I know, but bear with me. When served your pie, you might think, "Dang, this slice is HUGE! I'm never going to finish this!". Then you start eating. Once you come to approach the crust, you realize that-- bite by bite-- the pie hadn't been that big at all. Likewise, big dreams can be devoured if only broken down into easy to manage pieces. Divide your dream into step-by-step short term goals in order to attain a long term reward. These short term goals should be frequent and very specific. For example, you can hone in on a skill or task by dedicating a set amount of time per day to said activity, such as dribbling for 15 minutes a day. Or, break a dream such as a vacation or item into financially manageable pieces by setting aside a certain amount of money per week. This way, you have a set path to follow throughout the year.

2 // find the time

Maybe breaking down the dream isn't the hard part for you, but instead it's finding the time to even accomplish those short term goals. When trying to manage short term goals, I find that I am most successful when I integrate them into my already established routine. For example, I worked through the Bible in one year by listening to and pondering scripture while I got ready in the morning. Other ideas may include doing a short, 10-15 minute workout right before every time you shower, or even taking the time to study in the shower (oh yes, I've got first hand experience with this one). By introducing short term goals into an already established schedule, you are simply adding another component instead of rearranging an already habitual routine.

3 // don't forget it

Sometimes, we can break down our dreams and even work them into our routine, but the problem is that we simply just forget our intentions. Since we live in a day and age of technology, setting reminder on your phone works as a perfect way to jog your memory and help maintain continual success with short term goals. For even better results, set your reminder at a time in which you know you'd like to work your goal into your schedule-- for example, setting your alarm at 9 at night if you want to practice guitar before you shower. If technology is not available to you, or if setting reminders would not be relevant to your specific goal, pick a trigger to help remind you. For example, if your goal is to hydrate more, tell yourself that every time you look out a window you must take a sip of water. Or, for more ambiguous characteristic goals-- for example, gratitude-- choose to think of something to be grateful for every time you walk through a doorway. Simple reminders like this can help make short term goals more habitual and sustainable.

4 // partner up

Accountability is huge when it comes to keeping your goals and making your dreams a reality. It's so easy to give up on ourselves, but on the people we love and care about...? Not so much. Find someone in your life-- a friend, sibling, parent, or significant other-- and ask them to join you in your resolution. If they don't feel pulled to join you, simply ask them to hold you accountable, to ask you about your progress and to help plan the steps to reaching your goals and attaining your dream.


Cinderella sings that "...if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true..." (did you hear the mice singing in the background as you read that? I did!). Unfortunately, real life works a little differently. Big dreams come true with more than just believing-- they require plans, motivation, goals and follow through. P&C was a dream once upon a time... and now, here we are.

Cheers to 2020! May all your dreams come true.

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