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  • Writer's pictureEm

dear girl // proverbs for the modern lady

I don't know what you need to hear right now. Maybe you don't even know what you need to hear. No matter where on the spectrum you fall, know that the following "dear girl" statements are phrases written with bold intention just for you.


Dear Girl,

Love does not say "I told you so". Love waits in patient prayer to comfort the "you were right".


Dear Girl,

They're going to tell you that you're missing out on "all the things". Don't believe them. They simply want you to be as broken as they feel.


Dear Girl,

When fear says "never", you say "now".


Dear Girl,

Don't pretend to be someone or something you aren't to fit a friendship-- it only hurts in the end. Likewise, you can't walk in shoes too tight for too long without getting blisters.


Dear Girl,

Being the "bigger person" means standing tall enough to see the horizon of a situation instead of the mud puddle at your feet.


Dear Girl,

If the right choice was easy, no one would have made the wrong choice in the first place.


Dear Girl,

Life gets messy. Roll up your sleeves. When the mess is yours-- when you're the one who knocked the paint-- be the first to pull out the rags and stain remover. When you didn't knock it, be the first one scrubbing on your knees.


Dear Girl,

Crying is not shameful.


Dear Girl,

Asking for help is not weak or dumb. Asking for help means you are strong enough and smart enough to know that you aren't expected to do it all by yourself. And that is totally, absolutely okay.


Dear Girl,

The world will try to tell you that to be loud is to be powerful. It lies. Sometimes, unashamed silence and quiet love says more than words ever could.


Dear Girl,

If you want to do big things, grow a big heart, not a big head.


Dear Girl,

Respect does not mean agreement. Respect means choosing kindness and grace even when you cannot understand the other side.


Dear Girl,

Be careful with the thoughts inside your head. Once they bounce around for a while, they usually find their way out... through your lips.


Dear Girl,

Let's bring kindness, class, and grace back in style.


Dear Girl,

Please know that you are so loved.

~ Em

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